Monday, May 28, 2012


The Bravery and physical potency of the ancient Spartans is no accident. History remembers them for their vitality and health. They were noted for their high morals concerning diet and chastity. Men and women lived apart, even after marriage.

Plutarch, Greek historian, biographer, essayist and middle Platonist, Wrote about the chastity of the ancient Spartans: “This kind of commerce not only exercised their temperance and chastity, but kept their bodies fruitful, and the first ardor of their love free and unabated; for they were not satiated like those that are always with their wives.”

Lycurgus, the law giver of Sparta, Outlawed Meat and Alcohol consumption to prevent “all manner of sensuality and dissoluteness”
As Dr. Raymond Bernard Teaches us: “Coffee, tea, meat, eggs, salt, pepper, mustard, tobacco, and alcohol are all aphrodisiacal stimulants of the sex glands that cause them to lose their previous, lecithin-rich, phosphorized vital secretions. To achieve and maintain natural physiological continence at all times, a low protein, strictly vegetarian diet is essential.”

Also Dr. Raymond Bernard goes on to state: “The effects of an Alkaline (Vegetarian) Diet on reducing mucous membrane irritation in the prostatic urethra, which is the seat of sexual feeling.”
Lycurgus knew that Vegetarianism and Seminal Retention go hand in hand. A Vegetarian diet allowed the Spartans to practice calm chastity. Without the unnecessary irritation of the sexual urge. The Spartans are a timeless example of the power of moderation of diet and the sexual fluids. They are remembered and revered for their physical perfection.

Ancient Sparta was a Matriarchate, meaning, women had great influence and power. Young boys where raised to be chaste.

Xenophon, Greek historian, soldier, mercenary and philosopher said:” It is easier to make a pillar of stone or a marble statue move its eyes than a Spartan boy.”     

1 comment:

  1. Hi I was reading a few articles' and they said the Spartans prohibited celibacy, and they were encouraged to procreate, so any thoughts?
