Tuesday, May 29, 2012

MOZART: Sexual Discipline

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. One of History’s greatest musicians had strong sexual morals which no doubt contributed to his advanced mental creative powers. Can I prove it? YES!

Just look at the letter Mozart wrote to his father concerning his desire for marriage in the year 1781 when he was age 25 and had already established himself as a power house Musician:  


voice of nature speaks as loud in me as in others, louder,

perhaps, than in many a big strong lout of a fellow. I

simply cannot live as most young men do in these days.

In the first place, I have too much religion; in the second

place, I have too great a love of my neighbor and too

high a feeling of honor to seduce an innocent girl; and,

in the third place, I have too much horror and disgust, too

much dread and fear of diseases and too much care for my

health to fool about with whores. So I can swear that I

have never had relations of that sort with any woman.

Besides, if such a thing had occurred, I should not have

concealed it from you; for, after all, to err is natural enough

in a man, and to err once would be mere weakness

although indeed I should not undertake to promise that

if I had erred once in this way, I should stop short at one

slip. However, I stake my life on the truth of what I have

told you.

 You see Seminal Retention is terrific for the brain, because all of the retained Lecithin in the blood stream (instead of being busted out) feeds the brain and regenerates and invigorates it.  

Monday, May 28, 2012


The Bravery and physical potency of the ancient Spartans is no accident. History remembers them for their vitality and health. They were noted for their high morals concerning diet and chastity. Men and women lived apart, even after marriage.

Plutarch, Greek historian, biographer, essayist and middle Platonist, Wrote about the chastity of the ancient Spartans: “This kind of commerce not only exercised their temperance and chastity, but kept their bodies fruitful, and the first ardor of their love free and unabated; for they were not satiated like those that are always with their wives.”

Lycurgus, the law giver of Sparta, Outlawed Meat and Alcohol consumption to prevent “all manner of sensuality and dissoluteness”
As Dr. Raymond Bernard Teaches us: “Coffee, tea, meat, eggs, salt, pepper, mustard, tobacco, and alcohol are all aphrodisiacal stimulants of the sex glands that cause them to lose their previous, lecithin-rich, phosphorized vital secretions. To achieve and maintain natural physiological continence at all times, a low protein, strictly vegetarian diet is essential.”

Also Dr. Raymond Bernard goes on to state: “The effects of an Alkaline (Vegetarian) Diet on reducing mucous membrane irritation in the prostatic urethra, which is the seat of sexual feeling.”
Lycurgus knew that Vegetarianism and Seminal Retention go hand in hand. A Vegetarian diet allowed the Spartans to practice calm chastity. Without the unnecessary irritation of the sexual urge. The Spartans are a timeless example of the power of moderation of diet and the sexual fluids. They are remembered and revered for their physical perfection.

Ancient Sparta was a Matriarchate, meaning, women had great influence and power. Young boys where raised to be chaste.

Xenophon, Greek historian, soldier, mercenary and philosopher said:” It is easier to make a pillar of stone or a marble statue move its eyes than a Spartan boy.”     


Early Catholic theologian Clement of Alexandria, who was a Saint and Church Father, spoke of the necessity of Seminal Retention:
“Because of it’s divine institution for the propagation of man, the seed is not to be vainly ejaculated, nor is it to be damaged, nor is it to be wasted.”

Saturday, May 26, 2012


In the language of plants the lotus means:
and balance

The Lotus is the only plant which does not eject its seeds (Ejaculate) as such to germinate elsewhere. Most plants die upon germination of their seeds. This is why the French refer to the Genital Orgasm as “La petite mort” which means: The Little Death, and in Latin “Omme animal post coitum triste” which means: All animals are sad after coitus (sex).
                        The lotus plant also has psychoactive properties that can:
                        Change mood
                        Cause Visual perceptions
                        Induce well being
                        Induce Meditative State
                        Induce Erotic State

The ancient Egyptians used the blue lotus,ancient and modern Yogi’s and Yogini’s sit in Lotus Yoga Pose to reach a state of bliss and perfection and Tantric couples have sex in the lotus pose and practice Coitus reservatus, also know as Karezza. In this practice, orgasm is separated from ejaculation, making possible enjoyment of the pleasure of heterosexual intercourse without experiencing seminal ejaculation, while still experiencing orgasm.


Master teacher and Yogi Swami Sivananda in his Powerful book: The Practice of Brahmacharya (chastity). Teaches: “That semen is the Essence of Essences, From food comes juice or chyle; from chyle, blood; from blood, flesh; from flesh, fat; from fat, bones, marrow; and lastly from marrow, semen. Semen is the Last Essence.”
                                      “Semen is the quintessence of food. One drop of semen is manufactured out of 40 drops of blood according to modern medical science. According to Ayurveda, it is elaborated out of 80 drops of blood. Just as sugar is all-pervading in the sugar cane, butter in milk, so also, semen is pervading the whole body. Just as butter-milk is thin after the butter is removed, so also, semen is thinned by its wastage.”
                                      Understand that just by viewing Pornography the semen begins to separate from the blood in preparation for ejaculation. And most of these films end with an ejaculation (cum shot) which is contrary to the practice of Seminal Retention. Be ever mindful what thoughts, images and emotions you feed your brain. Porn is Harmful. Stay clear of it. Stay on the Royal Road that is the Practice of Seminal Retention.


The Practice of Seminal Retention provides the body with a great opportunity to accumulate a greater supply of lecithin, cholesterol, phosphates and many other vital substances in the blood, which has a direct benefit to the brain and reproductive system in both man and women. But, both the brain and reproductive systems pull the same nutrients from the blood that they need to sustain themselves and to function properly. So if you choose to be sexually reckless with your sex fluids, the reproductive system will have no choice but to pull its share of nutrients from the blood pool to replace what you spent, which will leave fewer nutrients for the brain to benefit from. Keep this fact in mind: The grey matter of the brain is also found at the base of the spine, which means that there is a Genital Brain Connection. Look at how strikingly similar the brain cell and the sperm cell look. Each has a head and a tail. This is an Internal Tug-Of-War, The spinal cord serving as the rope between genitals and brain, you could say. Who will win???? Brain or Balls, Heaven or Hell, Chastity or Lust, Good or Evil, Do you have the desire to reach perfection? The choice is yours………

Friday, May 25, 2012


The Hatha Yogi who arouses Kundalini gains various occult powers and enjoyments thereby. At every center to which he leads Kundalini, he experiences a special form of bliss and special powers. Carrying Kundalini to the pineal center, he enjoys supreme bliss, which, when permanent, gives complete liberation. She who “shines like a chain of lights: - a lighting flash-  is “ in the center of his body,” is the “inner woman” to who reference is made when it is said, “ What need have I of any outer Woman? I have an Inner Woman in myself.” The Yogi then unites himself with his own female principle- His Higher  Self.
-The Serpent Fire: The Awakening of Kundalini, Dr. Raymond Bernard

Thursday, May 24, 2012



 Look at what Mahatma Ghandi wrote about the power of a man who practices Seminal Retention, he wrote this  in: Brahmacarya (Chastity)” Guide to Health”, Part 1, Ch 9. Necessity of Continence.

“He will instinctively know the fountain of strength in him, and he will ever persevere to keep it undefiled. His humble strength will command respect of the world, and he will wield and influence greater than that of the sceptered monarch. “

What is a Sceptor? Let’s look at some definitions:

1. A staff held by a sovereign as an emblem of authority.
2. Ruling power or authority; sovereignty.
3. An ornamented staff carried by rulers on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of sovereignty.
Cached – SimilarYou +1'd this publicly. Undo4. A staff or baton borne by a sovereign as an emblem of authority
5. A rod or wand borne in the hand as an emblem of regal or imperial power.


Egyptian God Thoth in various ancient writings taught us: “ As above, so below, As within so Without.”

Which means that everything you see in the outer physical world has an internal equal, Look how the Spinal cord and brain are a perfect internal replica of the Sceptor of Power.

There exists a Genital Brain connection. Let us turn to Dr.Raymond Bernard:

“ Since ancient times there has been a belief among physiologist that there was an important relation between the spinal fluid and the sex fluid, whose loss causes loss of spinal and nerve energy for this reason, and when excessive, leads to tabes dorsalis (a hardening of the dorsal columns of the spinal cord)  and to spinal weakness and disease. There does, indeed, seem to be an important relation between the spinal cord and the gonads. In conditions of spermatorrhea, or constant loss of semen, the spinal cord degenerates.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Be your own hero and Save yourself. With more energy you will feel better, stronger, and more worthy of yourself. With renewed vigor you will not have the need to just settle for any person just to “be with someone” or just to have illicit sex. You will feel so elevated, pure and clean that you will send this positive vibration out into the universe and you will attract the person you have been seeking. You see, nothing is free in this universe. You have to qualify yourself to have the type of person you seek. Save your energies and the universe will grant your wish. It always does (smiles).

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Epileptic seizures linked to ancient gene family?

Dr. Raymond W. Bernard teaches us:

“The resemblance of the sexual orgasm to the epileptic attack has been noted by many authors. The sudden withdrawal of calcium produced by the seminal discharge biochemically produces the tetany-like (muscle contractions, cramps, and convulsions) symptoms of the orgasm, which are so similar to those of the epileptic attack.”

Let's compare the definitions:

Epileptic seizure - convulsions accompanied by impaired consciousness convulsion - violent uncontrollable contractions of muscles. a seizure of short duration characterized by momentary unconsciousness and local muscle spasms or twitching.

Orgasm: The peak of sexual excitement characterized by strong feelings of pleasure and by a series of involuntary contractions of the muscles of the genitals, usually accompanied by the ejaculation of semen by the male.
Elsworth F. Baker, M.D.. Defines Orgasm as: Total convulsions of the body and momentary loss of consciousness known as the orgastic convulsion or orgasm.

                                NOW  The idea of tantric sex is enjoying the sexual union and to begin to unlearn the idea of a Genital Orgasm as your goal, allowing the sexual energy to travel up the base of the spine uninterrupted. In tantric sex, a Genital orgasm is the release of your sexual energy downwards, toward the sexual organs, thus inhibiting your chance of building this energy up to your brain centers-to awaken these brain centers, to have a full body endorphin orgastic sensation that lasts as long as you want. In tantric sex, there is no final goal of achieving a Genital orgasm. The goal is to sexually surrender, which moves the energy up the Spine.

30 KIDS WITH 11 WOMEN!!!!!!

Desmond Hatchett, 33, of Knoxville, Tennessee, has 30 children with 11 different women.
Hatchett is making only minimum wage. Some of the moms receive as little as $1.49 a month. The oldest child is 14 years old. ( Yahoo.com from WREG-TV)

Friday, May 18, 2012


The Holy Quran
 Surah 33:35:

For Muslim men and women,- for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in Charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves), for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allah's praise,- for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward.

Ghandi Loved Seminal Retention

He wrote:" The horror with which ancient literature regarded the fruitless loss of the vital fluid was not a superstition born of ignorance.... Surely it is criminal for a man to allow his most precious possession to run to waste."

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Seminal-Economics: Save Semen, Save Money

No more need to buy Coffee, Soda, or Redbull anymore. conservation of semen gives you energy from within.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hey Big spender! Don't Go Broke!

Pleasure Ain’t Free! Ejaculation has its cost, Just look at what you lose with one BUST: 
                                                               ascorbic acid
 blood-group antigens
 citric acid
 lactic acid

pyruvic acid
uric acid
vitamin B12


Dr. Raymond W. Bernard MD recently stated in the article ‘Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence“Semen contains substances of high physiological value, especially in relation to the nutrition of the brain and nervous system.”The article continues, “There is a remarkable similarity of chemical composition between the semen and the central nervous system, both being especially rich in lecithin, cholesterin and phosphorus compounds, which would indicate that seminal emissions withdraw from the body substances necessary for the nutrition of nervous tissues.”

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


The seminal fluid is rich in the mineral Zinc. If a man is Excessive with his Ejaculations, his reproductive system will start to Leach ( STEAL) the mineral Zinc from his brain, to replenish the minerals that the reproductive system needs to function, Thus, Drastically lowering his brain power.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Is Semen Love Potion #9 ?

David Staume in his classic work: “Sex in the Afterlife:  An Exploration of the Extraordinary Potential of Sexual Energy.” States in the book: “Each time a male ejaculates he loses vitality, and energy must be diverted from other processes to replenish the stocks. If the losses are excessive, the eventual cost is physical and mental weakness and premature aging. The enigma of male sexuality is this: the less a male ejaculates, the more sexually attractive he becomes; the more sexually attractive he becomes, the more opportunity he has for ejaculation (presumably); the more he ejaculates, the less sexually attractive he becomes, and so on.”

Saturday, May 12, 2012


The word “Seminary” ( used for Religious schools) is derived from semen and originally meant “seedbed.” That the semen is the source of all virtue is known from the word “seminal” derived from the Latin “semen”, and which is defined as “highly original and influencing the development of future events: a seminal artist: seminal ideas.” 
      From the Book: “The Yellow Book, The Divine Mother, Kundalini, and Spiritual Powers” by Samael Aun Weor. 


Did you know that 1 drop of semen is equal to the power of 40 drops of blood. Remember that. Don't forget. Nah you not gonna forget!


Did you know that Semen has an Alkaline PH, this is why we need to eat Alkaline Raw Health foods to maintain this delicate PH balance.

Friday, May 11, 2012


Why would you waste your time and energy making self-friction with your genitals, when you can take your powerful sexual energy and GO AND MAKE FRICTION WITH THE WORLD, through your actions of good deeds, your feet moving on the ground is a form of friction, Pen writing against paper is a form of friction. We all know that Sexual Energy is reproductive energy that creates all human life. Therefore Sexual energy is a “Creative energy.” To waste this energy through mere masturbation is harmful to oneself and to the world. The world needs healing and rebuilding, and we all know it is going to take a hell of a lot of energy to fix our problems. Save your energies, Save the world. Nuff Said!!!!

Dr. Charles Runels, MD teaches us as men we should keep count of our ejaculations by calender

Dr. Runels in his book " Anytime...for as Long as You Want: Strength, Genius, Libido & Erection by Integrative Sex Transmutation" Teaches us that we should use a mathmatical formula to keep track of our ejaculations. The rule states: take your age and divide it by the number five. For example: a 25 year old male would divide his age by 5 which equals 5. Therefore he should only ejaculate 1 time every 5 days, so that his body can maintain a high level of health.

BOOK REVIEW: New Age Tantra Yoga, the cybernetics of sex and love, Written by Howard John Zitko

 I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!! The format is very unique. Instead of your typical  informative layout, the book is written in a question and answer format. The author is being questioned by the interviewer. This format works well. It felt like a beautiful conversation that you can eavesdrop on. Great statements are made, such as:

"Did you know that psychic mediums experience orgastic sensations in trance?"

"Intense concentration and meditation produce intense erotic sensations in the genitals, as well, again testifying that sexual energy is stimulated by mind which, in turn, is stimulated by sexual energy, leading to a continous chain reaction which can go on forever."

"For those who are presently single and in a state of enforced celibacy"

"Every individual has the power to speed up his own evolution. He can hasten or retard his own progress at will. While there is a certain set pattern to everyone's life, there is a wide latitude for maneuverablitity."

" Some degree of physical purification is essential to any preparation for the practice of Tantra."


"Because woman is simply a man turned inside out. Take a right-hand glove, turn it inside out, and what do you have? A left-hand glove. Man and woman are two aspects of the same thing. It only depends upon our perspective as to what we see."

BOOK REVIEW: Taoist Secrets Of Love cultivating Male Sexual Energy by Mantak Chia and Michael Winn

 A MUST READ!!! This is one of the books that started it all. That spread the word about the truth and power of Seminal Retention. One of my favorite quotes from the book:

Scientific analysis has found semen to contain a treasure house of:

Trace elements
And other vital nutritional substances.

YOGA and SEX: Are they both the SAME???

The brain sure responds that way. In a study by Rutgers University: 
"At Rutgers University, scientists are investigating how yoga and related practices can foster autoerotic bliss. It turns out that some individuals can think themselves into states of sexual ecstasy — a phenomenon known clinically as spontaneous orgasm and popularly as “thinking off.”
The Rutgers scientists use brain scanners to measure the levels of excitement in women and compare their responses with readings from manual stimulation of the genitals. The results demonstrate that both practices light up the brain in characteristic ways and produce significant rises in blood pressure, heart rate and tolerance for pain — what turns out to be a signature of orgasm."

Sweet Purity and Chastity

QUESTION: Why is it all the worlds great religions place a strong emphasis on Sexual Purity and Chastity?
ANSWER: The worlds great religions are teaching a truth about perfecting the human "Temple". For us to reach our full potential, or potency, as human beings we need to become involved in a human body energy conservation program. Which means the accumulation of sexual energy to awaken the dormant energy at the base of our spines call " Kundalini Energy" and a Practice of Purity, which has to do with eating a clean a pure vegan diet. The purpose of the Kundalini energy is to awaken at the base of the spine, then shoot upward toward the brain to awaken the the seat of our spiritual Consciousness the sacred Pineal gland ( 3rd eye), housed in the center of the brain. But, our pineal gland can become calcified and dead by the eating of a degenrated unclean diet. Just look at the types of food that can calcify the pineal gland, this study comes from dherbs.com:

Dietary influence

Here are some things you should avoid if you want to prevent calcification and degeneration of the Pineal Gland:
  • Meat (all kinds)
  • Dairy products (all kinds)
  • Refined Grains
  • Refined Starches
  • Eggs
  • Sugar
  • Synthetic sweeteners Salt Acidic beverages (soda pop)
  • Beer/wine/alcohol
  • Cigarettes (Tobacco)
  • Pharmaceutical drugs Illicit drugs (crack cocaine, cocaine, heroin, etc.)
  • Antidepressants
  • Marijuana
  • Energy drinks
  • White frosted light bulbs
  • Negative television programming, i.e. BET (Black Entertainment Television), the news, etc.
Read more: http://dherbs.com/articles/pineal-gland-331.html#ixzz1ufaYgsgc

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

12 yrs

 In order to Awaken the Kundalini a period of 12 years of Celibacy must be practiced. Do not spill one drop of semen. Can you do it?

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Erotic Power Of Surrender


The more you let go, the more the orgasmic energy will flow. This is the power of Surrender. Once you fully Surrender and let go of your power, all of the energy that has been tangled, trapped and blocked inside you, finds freedom…..And you will feel it. Trust me (Smiles).